When it comes to snowboarding tricks and the types of techniques used to ride, there is an endless amount. For example, carving is a technique that help with controlling riders turns by using the edge of their boards. With this specific skill, it is able to help with stability on the snow and the speed as well.

With beginners that are learning how to snowboard, two of the best skills to know how to do are understanding “Heel Edge” and “Toe Edge”. Specifically with heel edge, it is when you push down on your board with your heels and as for your toe edge, it is the same concept except you push down on your toes instead. Personally, on my first day of snowboarding and even to this day, I would definitely say that heel edge is a lot easier and my friends agree with that as well, but it does sometimes depend on the person.

Though, when it comes to tricks, a lot of riders will do things like “grabs”, “ollies”, spins and flips. I am no where near that advanced but those are really cool tricks that many try to do when they have gotten more experience with riding. However, “ollies” are considered one of the more simpler tricks to start with which is when you grab your board when you jump/snowboard off a hill. As for the harder tricks, spins are considered to be one of the hardest to accomplish and that is because it can be really difficult to have exact body control that equal to your speed too.

My Twitter Post (social media post/link): Click Here to look at this video of my friend going on a terrain park!

Video Taken by Nadine Maaz