Personally for me, snowboarding has made a huge impact on my social media feed. Granted, it is my fault that it is, but those are most of the video that I watch as of right now and I love it. Seeing all of the trends that pop up on my TikTok ‘for you page’ when people go snowboarding or seeing outfit inspiration or tutorials on tricks makes me so excited to go snowboarding over and over again.

However, overall, I have also realized that social media about snowboarding has changed how riders interact, influence one another, and exchange each others contents too. Being able to post ones tricks, stunts, experience, and tutorials about snowboarding through either, Instagram, TikTok, You tube, and pretty much any other social media platform has created an easily accessible way to learn about this sport and hobby. Many people who have started out just from posting on social media are given the opportunity to be seen by so many people, get fans, and possibly start with professionals, hence why snowboarding is such a popular trend on many social media platforms. Being able to provide tutorials on techniques or skills, watching vlogs, and being given advice on types of gear and equipment someone should use for snowboarding has been able to make the sport even more popular amongst many all of the world.

My Instagram Post (social media post/link): Wanna see an example of snowboarding? Click Here

Video and Photo Taken by Nadine Maaz